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Support staff with the Division served notice to begin a strike Monday, January 13, 2025. Get updates.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Find answers to frequently asked questions about Lillian Osborne, registration and course selection, and programming offered at this school. 


Lillian Osborne is at level 3 of the Growth Control Model school and unfortunately due to enrolment pressure we are unable to accept any students residing outside of our attendance area for regular or International Baccalaureate programming.

Your chances of getting into Lillian Osborne are very high. While we cannot guarantee anything, we anticipate we will be able to take all students who pre-enrol for the 2024-25 School Year. There is no magic formula to get into Lillian Osborne other than pre-enrolling by March 22. For the 2022/2023 school year, we offered a space to 96% of all students who pre-enrolled. For the 2023/2024 school year, we accepted 100% of students who pre-enrolled!

EPSB would be running a randomized lottery process. All students who select Lillian Osborne School during preenrolment will be notified by April 9th with their status.

If students are not accepted in LO due to a lottery process, then they would be guaranteed acceptance into Strathcona High School (designated overflow school) or may select any other EPSB school with spaces.

Students/Families who were not accepted into LO due to the lottery process, would work with their current Junior High School to register at another High School. A call-back list would be kept, until the end of September, with all students from the lottery process. As spaces open up we will be able to offer spots to those on the list.

All High Schools offer an academic enrichment program (Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate). These programs do not give you prioritized access to a particular High School.

Students that live in the dual designated attendance area (to find out if you live in this area please check with your current school office or the Find a School tool) have a choice of either Strathcona or Lillian Osborne as their designated school. Students living in the Lillian Osborne attendance area (other than the dual designated area) may select Strathcona, but enrolment is not guaranteed.

If Strathcona has more students apply then they have space to accommodate, they would go through a random selection process. In this case please note:

  • If Lillian Osborne does not go through the lottery process, then any students residing in our attendance area, who are unsuccessful in the random selection process at Strathcona would be directed back to Lillian Osborne or may select another high school with space.
  • If Lillian Osborne has to go through a lottery process, then the student would be guaranteed enrolment at Strathcona

The Chinese Bilingual Program is only available to students who were enrolled in Gr. 9 Chinese Bilingual at an EPSB school. If you are interested in the Chinese Language and Culture program, but don’t qualify for the Chinese Bilingual Program, you could select Chinese Language and Culture during your course selection.

The sibling priority applies only when both siblings will be attending Lillian Osborne at the same time. In this scenario, the brother would not be returning to Lillian Osborne. The sibling priority rule would not be in effect for this scenario.

A sibling, in relation to another student, is a biological, adoptive, step sibling or half sibling, or individuals who are part of the student’s family while in the care of a foster parent under the Alberta Child, Youth, and Family Enhancement Act.

Only your primary residence can be used for registration. Your primary residence is where you lay your head at night. A rental property that you don’t reside at would not be considered your primary residence.

Yes, if there is space. This year we accepted students until the middle of September. If there is no space available, then you can be added to the call-back list. You would not be able to pre-enrol at Lillian Osborne until the family, including the student, is residing in Lillian Osborne’s attendance area.

If you are the students legal guardian, then your primary residence is the one used to determine where the students designated school is. Only a parent or independent student has the legal authority to make educational decisions for a student, including registering for school. It is the responsibility of the parent to ensure that any relevant court order regarding the student is provided to the school.

Course Selection

Typically, Lillian Osborne staff visit Esther Starkman, Dr. Margaret-Ann Armour, Nellie Carlson, Riverbend, Ottewell, Vernon Barford, Grandview Heights, Crestwood, Parkview, and Stratford.

The “New to LO” Course Selection Evening is for students from an EPSB school we are not visiting for registration and out of district students (new registrations). Check the Important Dates section to find the date and time of the event.

International Baccalaureate (IB)

There’s no requirement to take “full” IB. One of the advantages of the IB program is choice. Students can pursue the one subject area they’re passionate about or take a full selection of IB classes.

For more information about the International Baccalaureate program, go to our IB information page on our website.

While there are differences in the origins, philosophies, assessments, and curriculums of IB and AP, there are many similarities in the enrichment experiences and opportunities students have, regardless of whether they are in an IB or AP program. Both programs offer academically rigorous curriculums that encourage students to work with challenging material at an accelerated pace, go into more depth, and develop the skills and habits that will be assets as they complete high school and move to post-secondary studies.

IB and AP are recognized at post-secondary institutions throughout the world. One is not better or more beneficial than the other.

Our best advice is to choose a school, and if an honours program is something you’re interested in, register for the program offered by the school of your choice.

Each April, students make choices about their courses for the upcoming year. Students in an IB class are not obligated to continue in the IB stream. We encourage students to make informed choices and plan a program that best meets their needs.

Typically, students do not find that their marks are lower in IB classes. Evaluation in each class is based on the Alberta Program of Studies. An external IB exam is written at the end of each course sequence, typically in grade 12, and this grade does not factor into the final mark for a course. You would get a separate IB class grade alongside your Alberta Curriculum grade.

IB classes often move at a faster pace (as they have to cover more material than just the Alberta Curriculum), and students may need to work more independently and prepare more outside of class. Developing these workload and time management skills in high school is tremendously helpful for post-secondary studies.

To be successful in IB, the recommended mark from your grade 9 classes is 80% or “A”.

Specialized Courses

No, we do not offer any online classes.

Math 15 Transitions is a bridging course to help prepare students for Math 10C. Key concepts from junior high and Math 10C, are reviewed so that students are better prepared for success in Math 10C. Typically students with a mark between 50% and 60% or a grade of C in grade 9 math are recommended to take this class to strengthen their math skills and foundation. Students with marks below 50% in grade 9 math should take Math 10-3.

Math 15 (transitions) course is being offered in summer school and during the regular school year at Lillian Osborne.

Lillian Osborne offers PE 10 and CALM as a combined class. If you register for PE 10 at Lillian Osborne, you will also be registered for CALM at the same time.

If you are planning to take PE 10 in summer school, please also register for CALM in summer school (or take both during the school year).

Student Services

Student Services is your one-stop shop any time you need some support. We offer counselling in three different areas:

  • Academic Success: Study strategies, managing stress, exam accommodations, picking the right classes for you, learning English, and finding a tutor are all examples of the support we can provide for you.
  • Post-Secondary / Career Counselling: What do you want to do after high school? We can help you explore career paths, learn about the world of work, and navigate the post-secondary admissions process. We also love to help you find scholarships and can coach you through what makes an impressive application.
  • Personal Counselling: This includes support for anything that might be going on in your life inside or outside of school, like difficulties with relationships, worry or anxiety, or feeling depressed. You are not alone in dealing with these things! We can even facilitate cultural support so that you can speak with someone who understands your unique situation.